The Crew

Making the magic happen. Behind the scenes at Big Creek is a fabulous crew here to help you. Just keep in mind that, unlike a hotel, Lodge caretakers wear many hats, and might not be on hand at all times of day.


We're Proud to Present . . .

Guests from last season will be overjoyed to know that Sally will be in the kitchen again, preparing her individualized breakfasts and beyond!!


Sally Molitor

Let’s give a big Welcome to Katie Brown who will be joining the crew this year (along with her dog)!



From the crew:

“We realized last season that we are a good team and by blending our unique specialties and talents to entertain, fuel and delight our guests, we could have an amazing 2023 at Big Creek Lodge.

We can’t wait to welcome the pilots, hikers, bikers, hunters and campers.

Come join us for the hospitality, great food, friendship and “Fireside Memories” at Big Creek Lodge. We are so excited to contribute to your BEST get away EVER.”



“Customers may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel”.


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